Haycox parents, this is a helpful resource about accessing mental health services:
Padres de Haycox, este es un recurso bueno acerca de cómo encontrar servicios de salud mental:

Familias de Haycox,
Si desea recibir juguetes de Santa para sus hijos, debe asistir a este evento hoy, mañana, o miércoles::
Haycox Families,
If you wish to receive toys from Santa for your children, you must attend this event today, tomorrow: or Wednesday:

HESD Community: Please read this week's issue of the "Hueneme Channel." https://www.hueneme.org/page/hueneme-channel

Attention Vikings,
Join us for a week of fun activities to encourage good character and a Drug Free Life.

HESD Community: Please read this week's issue of the "Hueneme Channel." https://www.hueneme.org/page/hueneme-channel

Dear Haycox Vikings,
We would like to invite you to our presentation "My body belongs to me", from the Interface agency. This Wednesday, October 20 at 6:00 pm via Zoom. We will send you the link via text or call the office. In this presentation you will learn how you can support your children in defending personal boundaries and developing self-confidence. We hope to see you!
This presentation will be in Spanish. If you would like a presentation in English, please call our school counselors here at Haycox.
This presentation will be in Spanish. If you would like a presentation in English, please call our school counselors here at Haycox.

Haycox Vikings, This Monday October 11 is a non school day for students. We will see you on Tuesday!

HESD Community: Please read this week's issue of the "Hueneme Channel." https://www.hueneme.org/page/hueneme-channel

HESD Community: Please read this week's issue of the "Hueneme Channel." https://www.hueneme.org/page/hueneme-channel

Recuerden que este lunes comenzaremos el nuevo horario para nuestros alumnos de kinder. Será de 8:00 a 1:30 pm. Favor de recordarles a sus familiares y niñeras..
Remember that this Monday we will begin the new schedule for kinder students, 8:00-1:30 pm. Please remind your family and babysitters.

Dear Parents, it's Panorama survey time for our students again. Please see the letter in the link below. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1chxpJmh2uzrcIieWJU6FhvjVnnv2EaBjkI8AtfexC5w/edit?usp=sharing
Estimados padres, llegó el momento de la encuesta de Panorama para nuestros estudiantes nuevamente. Lea la carta en el enlace a continuación. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1txFET6DA9qXCbfMhZWUSfFtsi7oRJXTsx1h7O_5t1nw/edit?usp=sharing

HESD Community: Please read this week's issue of the "Hueneme Channel." https://www.hueneme.org/page/hueneme-channel

Este lunes comenzaremos el nuevo horario para nuestros alumnos de kinder. Será de 8:00 a 1:30 pm. Favor de recordarles a sus familiares y niñeras..

Beginning this Monday 9/27/2021 , instead of parents coming on to the campus, teachers will walk the students to the gate near the kinder parking lot. There will be signs posted with the name of each teacher, the grade level and the room number. Teacher will be standing near their class sign; please look for your child near the sign so that your child can be released.
Your children brought home two colored cards with the information you will look for when you come to pick up your child. Grade 1 signs are red, grade 2 signs are blue and grade 3 signs are green. If your child is picked up by the babysitter, please give one to her so that she knows where to look for your child.
Remember that grades 1 and 2 dismiss at 2:35 and grade 3 dismisses at 2:45. Parents Of 3rd grade students should stay back toward the sidewalk so that there is more space for parents in lower grades.

We tested our emergency notification system, where we will send out important updates and reminders. Please consider saving 98900 to your contacts. If you did not receive a text message from our system, please contact the school to confirm your cell number is up-to-date.

Haycox Vikings, if your student is in need of a WIFI-HOTSPOT please inform your child's teacher or call 805-488-3578 from 1:30pm-4:00pm to start the process. After you have registered, a WIFI-HOTSPOT will be provided to your student for home use. Thank you

Beginning this Monday, September 20, there will be a change for our dismissal routine. Grades 4 and 5 will be dismissed from the front doors of the school at 2:45. We will continue to dismiss grades 1,2 at 2:35 and grade 3 at 2:45 from the kindergarten parking area.

Our Haycox AVID Team is ready! for a great year!

Haycox Vikings, Click here for important message on benefits for internet https://www.fcc.gov/bandaanchaprestacion
Emergency Broadband Benefit

Haycox Vikings, this is a reminder that there will be no school on Monday September 6 in honor of the Labor Day Holiday.