Duke loves it when teachers & parents work together...looking forward to parent teacher conferences soon! A Duke le encanta cuando padres y maestros trabajan juntos...pronto llegan las conferencias de padres y maestras.
about 6 years ago, Green Junior High
Shuman y Aguilar
Sra. Hernandez
Acuna and Najera
Mrs. Dugas
Our Jog-a-Thon Prize Winners...collected the most $!
about 6 years ago, Green Junior High
Autumn, Natalie, & Albert!
Circle of Friends is up and running here at Bard! Thank you Ms. Preciado, Mrs. Marsh, and Mrs. L. Garcia
about 6 years ago, Green Junior High
Mrs. Marsh & Friends
Mrs. L. Garcia & Friends
Ms. Preciado & Friends
We had a wonderful time celebrating Dia De Los Muertos here at Bard this past month!
about 6 years ago, Green Junior High
El altar de Ms. Cuevas en nuestra biblioteca
Hello Bard Families! This is a reminder that we kick off Red Ribbon Week tomorrow! Wear read to show you care. PTA will be selling Marigolds after school for $6. Please turn in your yellow Federal Forms. Principal’s recess will be on Wednesday. ~Ms. Perez
over 6 years ago, Vanessa Patricia Perez
5th Grade had a blast at our our Jog-a-Thon
over 6 years ago, Green Junior High
La clase de Maestra Shuman
4th Grade is ready!
over 6 years ago, Green Junior High
Mrs. Foley’s Class
Miss Devorick’s Class!
Bard Kindergarten Jogging!
over 6 years ago, Green Junior High
La clase de laSra. Hernandez
Just finished running & cooling off!
Come on over and join us for our Jog-a-Thon!!!
over 6 years ago, Green Junior High
Setting Up!
Hola familias de Bard! Use verde para la responsabilidad mañana. Nuestra colecta de alimentos comdenzo esta semana, por favor considere donar. El miércoles es Jog-a-thon y el viernes es nuestra noche de películas de la PTA. Asegúrese de entregar sus formularios federales amarillos para el recreo de la directora.
over 6 years ago, Vanessa Patricia Perez
Hello Bard Families! Wear Green for responsibility tomorrow. Our can food drive started this week, please consider donating. Wednesday is Jog-a-thon and Friday is our PTA movie night. Make sure to turn in your yellow Federal forms for Principal's recess.
over 6 years ago, Vanessa Patricia Perez
Horario de Bard Jog-a-thon Otoño 2018 (10-24-18) 8: 15-8: 45 ---- Kinder / TK 8: 45-9: 15 ---- Quinto Grado 9: 15-9: 45 ----- Cuarto Grado 9: 45-10: 15 --- Primer Grado y Sra. Lejeune 10: 15-10: 45 - Tercer Grado y Señora l. Garcia 10: 45-11: 15-- Segundo Grado
over 6 years ago, Green Junior High
Bard Jog-a-thon Schedule Fall 2018 (10-24-18) 8:15-8:45---- Kinder/TK 8:45-9:15---- Fifth Grade 9:15-9:45-----Fourth Grade 9:45-10:15--- First Grade and Mrs. Lejeune 10:15-10:45--Third Grade and Mrs. L. Garcia 10:45-11:15-- Second Grade
over 6 years ago, Green Junior High
Durante esta semana nos gustaría que los estudiantes celebren la semana de El Carácter Cuenta vistiéndose con los siguientes colores: Lunes 10/22, Respeto = amarillo. Martes, 10/23, Responsabilidad = verde Miércoles, 10/24, Equidad = naranja Jueves, 10/25, Ciudadanía = púrpura Viernes, 10/26, Confianza = día del espíritu escolar de Bard azul Lunes 10/29, Cuidados = rojo (inicio a la SEMANA DE LISTÓN ROJO)
over 6 years ago, Green Junior High
Character Counts Week October 22 - 26 Respect = yellow 10/22, Monday Responsibility = green 10/23, Tuesday Fairness = orange 10/24, Wed. Citizenship = purple 10/25, Thursday Trustworthiness = blue Bard spirit day 10/26, Friday Caring = red (kick off to RED RIBBON WEEK) Monday, 10/29
over 6 years ago, Green Junior High
Hello Bard families! This is a reminder that drop-in homework club starts tomorrow for 3rd-5th grade students. Please join us for our PTA meeting at 5pm tomorrow in the library. Check out our healthy choice options for birthday celebrations on our website. ~Ms. Perez
over 6 years ago, Vanessa Patricia Perez
Hello Bard Families! Tomorrow is an International Day of Peace. We are asking students and staff to wear white to support Peace. We will have Peace activities during lunch. This evening, discuss the meaning of Peace with your child. Tell him/her what Peace means to you. Ms. Perez
over 6 years ago, Vanessa Patricia Perez
Our 5th Grade TWI class celebrated el 16 de septiembre, Independencia de México with music, food, and a piñata. Thank you Maestra Shuman & Maestra Aguilar.
over 6 years ago, Green Junior High
Mrs. Garcia and Mrs. LeJeune’s Back to School Night!
over 6 years ago, Green Junior High
Mrs. LeJeune
Mrs. Garcia
PTA was rocking it at our Back to School Night! Thank you for your support!
over 6 years ago, Green Junior High
PTA Pizza Sales
PTA President Wenri, PTA Treasurer Smith, & Secretary Foley