We tested our emergency notification system, where we will send out important updates and reminders. Please consider saving 98900 to your contacts. If you did not receive a text message from our system, please contact the school to confirm your cell number is up-to-date.

Viva Mexico! Happy Mexican Independence Day from our TWI team.

From the the third grade team, Follow the link to the 3rd grade OPTIONAL student supply list to bring on the first day of school to support classroom learning.

Bard Families,
Get ready for your summer reading by visiting our Scholastic Book fair. Your purchase also supports our school library. Get Your Read On!

Bard Families,
Here is the link to the reopening updates.

Free Meal Survey: Please fill out the survey if you would like for your child to participate in the free meal program.

Richard Bard Kindergarten Programs / Programas de Kinder en la escuela de Richard Bard

Virtual Recess! Draw, Play games, Dance, Exercise , Have Fun!

Support Your Child's Learning
Parent Education Night

Bard Families, January 25-29 is national Great Kindness Challenge Week. Follow the link to take the challenge with us . https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Fyn5rlvcCfxw3k6kIZivkjj9NnPnYHD_/view?usp=

Familias de Bard , la semana de Octubre 19-23 estaremos celebrando y hablando sobre los pilares de carácter. Únase con nosotros usando el color cada día que aplique al carácter. Haga clic para la información

Bard Families , October 19-23 Bard Bulldogs will be celebrating Character Counts! Pease join us by wearing the character counts color for each day. Here is the link. https://drive.google.com/file/d/154S1bcA1GOAFqd20qfhT2AA_NM9sx01-/view?usp=sharing the link to the page.

Familias de Bard, nuestra primera junta de Capacitación de Concilio Escolar Local (SSC) se tomara acabo el miércoles 7 de octubre a las 6:00pm. Los miembros recibieron un link por texto para participar en la junta virtual.

Bard families, Our first School Site Council meeting will be Wed. Oct 7 at 6:00pm. The committee members received a zoom link through text to join the meeting.

Miembros de Bard ELAC, Nuestra Primera reunión de este año escolar es el miércoles. 7 de octubre a las 5:00 pm Vía zoom. Los miembros recibieron una invitación por mensaje de texto con el enlace de zoom para la reunión.

Bard ELAC members, Our first meeting for this school year is Wed. Oct. 7th at 5:00pm Via zoom. Members received an invitation via text with the zoom link for the meeting.

FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 2020/
Distribución de Comida -Actualidad 8/24:https://docs.google.com/document/d/16iBmxqPEmDHvBJe7LXuxp6ckLvu5Cf8z3dagIazK39w/edit?usp=sharing

Familias de Bard, nuestra noche de regreso a clases año escolar 2020, es este martes 8 de sep. a las 5:30pm. La maestra de su alumno le mandará un correo electrónico o llamad telefónica para darle acceso la junta virtual. Haga clic para ver el mensaje de la directora. https://youtu.be/xY0JKB5t5yE

Bard Families, our fall 2020 Back to School Night is this Tue. Sep. 8 at 5:30pm. Your Child's teacher will contact you through gmail or phone to provide a zoom link to join the meeting. Click on link below for the principal's back to school message. https://youtu.be/8CrUEjkSDPo

Bard Parade Route for June 5th at 12:00pm