Hello Bard Families,
We are accepting kindergarten registration starting today! Stop by the school or register online.

If you live on base, please follow the guidelines below per Force Protection for tomorrow's parade at 12pm:
1. Families can park at the Warfield Gym
2. Families must be wearing masks, staying within parking space and practicing social distancing.
3. Families that live in the Bruns Park neighborhood can walk to the end of their street and wave at vehicles driving by along Ventura Rd.

Bard Parade Route for Friday, May 1, 2020.

Meals may be picked up at/Las comidas se pueden recoger en:
Charles Blackstock JHS
11:00a.m. - 12:00p.m.
701 E. Bard Road
Oxnard, CA
Parkview Elementary School
11:00a.m. - 12:00p.m.
1416 Sixth Place,
Port Hueneme, CA
Art Haycox School
11:00a.m. - 12:30p.m.
5400 Perkins Rd.,
Oxnard, CA

Hola familias de Bard,
Los libros de enriquecimiento se distribuirán hasta las 11:30 a.m. Haga arreglos para que recojan el libro de trabajo de su hijo hoy. Estacione en el estacionamiento y siga las flechas verdes hasta la cafetería para recogerlo. Mantente seguro y saludable.

Hello Bard Families,
Enrichment Workbooks are being passed out now until 11:30am. Please make arrangements to have your child's workbook picked up today. Park in the parking lot and follow the green arrows to the cafeteria for pick up. Stay safe and healthy.

Hello Bard Families,
Enrichment workbook pick up is happening now until 4pm in the Bard cafeteria for those families that would like a workbook for their Bard student. We will also be distributing workbooks tomorrow from 7:30am-11:30am.

Good morning Bard Families,
We will be serving lunch "grab n go" style at Bard and Parkview from 11am-1pm all week. At Bard lunches will be distributed in our parking lot. Stay safe bulldogs.

"Grab-n-go" Style Meals Served -Comidas estilo "Grab-n-go" servidas
Monday, March 16th - Friday, March 20th
lunes 16 de marzo - viernes 20 de marzo
Time/ Horario
11am - 1pm
Who Can Participate/ ¿Quien puede participar?
All HESD students/ Todos los estudiantes de HESD
1st Location/ Primera ubicación
Richard Bard Elementary School
622 E. Pleasant Valley Road
Port Hueneme, CA 93041
2nd Location/ Segunda ubicación
Parkview Elementary School
1416 Sixth Place
Port Hueneme, CA 93041

Parent Letter on events due to Corona Virus/Notificacion para padres sobre eventos debidos al virus COVID-19

Hello Bard Families,
The Family Dance is this Thursday, February 13, 2020, 6pm-8pm. Hope to see you there!
Hola familias de Bard,
El baile familiar es este jueves 13 de febrero de 2020, de 6 p.m. a 8 p.m. ¡Espero verles allí!

Hola familias de Bard,
Asegúrese de confirmar su asistencia para nuestro Baile Familiar Bard el 13 de febrero de 2020. Es$ 5 por familia Las entradas de pre-pedido aseguran que obtenga palitos luminosos gratis en el baile. Los tacos están disponibles para pre-venta por $1.50.

Hello Bard Families,
Make sure you RSVP for our Bard Family Dance on February 13, 2020. The cost is $5 a family and if you need a form we have plenty in the office. Pre-order tickets ensure you get free glow sticks at the dance. Tacos are available for pre-sale ONLY for $1.50.

Hello Bard Families,
Science Fair Family viewing is today from 1:30pm-4:00pm.
Hola familias de Bard,
La visita familiar para la Feria de Ciencias es hoy de
1:30 p.m. a 4:00 p.m.

Dismissal at 11am today, Dec. 20th all classes - Salida a las 11am hoy, 20 de diciembre todos las clases
Boys & Girls Club will be open at 11am - Boys & Girls Club abre a las 11am
No ASES today - No hay ASES hoy

Good evening Bard Families,
We hope to see you tomorrow for our Flag gathering and Coffee with the Principals starting at 8:05am. We are sorry to inform you that our Parent's Night out has been cancelled due to low enrollment. Have a great evening!

Popcornopolis order due date extended to Wednesday, Dec. 4th - La fecha de vencimiento del pedido de Popcornopolis se extendió hasta el miércole, 4 de diciembre

Join Bard PTA for our Skating Party! Fundraiser

Hola Familias de la escuela Bard,
¡Ven y apoya a nuestros Bulldogs para el Fun-A-thon mañana!
8:15-8:45 Kinder/TK/White/Foley
8:45-9:15 5th grade
9:15-9:45 4th grade
9:45-10:15 1st grade and Ms. Lejune
10:15-10:45 3rd grade and Mrs. Laura Garcia's class
10:45-11:15 2nd grade

Hello Bard Families,
Come out and support our Bulldogs for the Fun-A-thon tomorrow 11/13/19!
8:15-8:45 Kinder/TK/White/Foley
8:45-9:15 5th grade
9:15-9:45 4th grade
9:45-10:15 1st grade and Ms. Lejune
10:15-10:45 3rd grade and Mrs. Laura Garcia's class
10:45-11:15 2nd grade