Grade 4 Teachers from Parkview and Bard are working on integrated units- making connections across the grade 4 curriculum for our students. #hesdpride
about 6 years ago, Helen Cosgrove
In units
In units
Int units
Int units
Our staff is collaborating and building the Circle of Friends to support our students.
over 6 years ago, David Castellano
5 of our schools are here today to learn about an inclusion program- Circle of Friends. Can’t wait to get these circles started at our sites! #hesdpride
over 6 years ago, Helen Cosgrove
Circle of friends
Circle of friends
Circle of friends
Circle of friends
HESD teachers exploring a PE unit on Ultimate Frisbee taught by our own Mr. Hoerer from Hathaway School. #hesdpride
over 6 years ago, Helen Cosgrove
Our grades 6-8 Social Science History curriculum pilot committee meets for the first time. Excited to explore new materials for our #hesdpride students.
over 6 years ago, Helen Cosgrove
Building stamina during read to self time in 1st grade.
over 6 years ago, David Castellano
Read to self
Read to self
Science with a smile! STEAM happening in Mrs. Hunter’s grade 4 class at Hueneme Elementary.
over 6 years ago, Helen Cosgrove
Creating cave art in Mrs. Frank’s grade 6 class at Blackstock Junior High.
over 6 years ago, Helen Cosgrove
Cave art
Guided reading is a crucial component of our literacy program. Kudos to the grade 4 teachers at Haycox for their commitment to professional learning. #hesdpride
over 6 years ago, Helen Cosgrove
Guided reading
Guided reading
Guided reading
Our grade 7 teachers are learning about our new California Collections English language arts materials. #hesdpride
over 6 years ago, Helen Cosgrove
Ca Collections
Ca Collections
Ca Collections
Ca Collections
Bard TK students work together to build and create. #hesdpride
over 6 years ago, Helen Cosgrove
Engaging students with interactive lessons using Nearpod at EO Green. #hesdpride
over 6 years ago, Christine Walker
Impressive collaborative work happening at EO Green! #hesdpride
over 6 years ago, Hueneme ESD
Collaborative work
Looking forward to some “Dude, Be Nice” days. Great workshop yesterday! #hesdpride
over 6 years ago, Christine Walker
Dude be nice
Thank you staff and students for a great first week in HESD. Don't forget Monday is a holiday, see you on Tuesday! #hesdpride
over 6 years ago, Hueneme ESD
Made it to 10 of our 11 schools this week! So much creativity throughout the district. See you on Tuesday E.O. Green!
over 6 years ago, Christine Walker
Wonderful student host greeting and welcoming guests to their classroom at Hollywood Beach School! #hesdpride
over 6 years ago, Hueneme ESD
student host
Enjoyed seeing the new Parkview Mustangs this morning! #hesdpride
over 6 years ago, Christine Walker
painted foot
It's a fantastic second day of school in the Hueneme Elementary School District! #hesdpride
over 6 years ago, Christine Walker
Loved the flexible seating options being used at Bard School! #hesdpride
over 6 years ago, Christine Walker
Flexible seating
flexible seating
flexible seating